Fellow Patriot,
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
As ardent supporters of gun rights, you and I know these words from the Second Amendment are absolutely critical to a free society.
Yet some politicians fight tooth and nail to maintain the gun control status quo in Nebraska…and it’s more than evident with the anti-gun compromises happening in Lincoln!
That’s why it’s critical we identify politicians and candidates who will take a bold, public stance in support of the Second Amendment.
And I’ve got good news and bad news for you in Legislative District 20.
The bad news is, although officially “non-partisan,” Democrat candidate John Frederickson REFUSES to answer his NAGR Candidate Survey and go on record pledging any support for your gun rights.
By refusing to return his Candidate Survey, Frederickson refuses to go on record supporting Constitutional Carry and eliminating the tax to exercise your right to bear arms.
John Frederickson also refuses to oppose firearm registration, which has been a point of debate for the last couple months with the anti-gun amendment to attach Omaha’s handgun registration scheme to the Constitutional Carry bill.
Frederickson also refuses to go on record in support of legislation repealing dangerous “Gun-Free” zones, better known as “Criminal-Safe” zones.
As every gun owner knows, these dangerous laws only disarm law-abiding citizens, while letting criminals know their victims will be unarmed in these locations.
On top of that, Republican candidate Stu Dornan returned his Candidate Survey with some anti-gun answers.
Dornan answered in opposition to pro-gun Constitutional Carry legislation to restore your right to carry, open or concealed without needing a government issued permission slip.
Stu Dornan also answered that he would NOT stand against “Gun-Free” zones, better known as “Criminal Safe” zones, or dangerous “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws.
But there is some good news in Legislative District 20.
Republican candidate Julie Frederickson returned her National Association for Gun Rights Candidate Survey 100% pro-gun.
By returning her survey, Frederickson is pledging her support for Constitutional Carry to restore the right for citizens to carry their legally-possessed firearms without a permit.
Julie Frederickson also pledged to oppose firearm registration that requires gun owners put their private information in a government database to keep and bear arms.
Finally, Julie Frederickson pledged to oppose expanding Nebraska’s draconian permit requirement to simply purchase a handgun to all rifles and shotguns.
The gun rights movement has culminated in the restoration of gun rights with Constitutional Carry sweeping through 25 states now –- that’s half the states in the nation!
We must make it clear we expect candidates and elected officials to not only oppose the gun control status quo, but also to go to Lincoln to be a leader in the fight for the Second Amendment.
That’s why the National Association for Gun Rights is dedicated to keeping you informed about the true positions of your elected officials and candidates.
With members and supporters across Nebraska, we are giving gun owners a loud voice in defense of gun rights.
And trust me, the politicians can hear you.
There is no better time to lobby them than when they are seeking your support at election time.
So please contact John Frederickson at (402) 659-3324 and insist he returns his Candidate Survey and pledges to stand for your gun rights!
Also contact Stu Dornan at (402) 490-4853 and insist that he change course and make a public pledge to stand up for the Second Amendment in Nebraska!
Then contact Julie Frederickson at (402) 676-2288 and thank her for taking a stand for the Second Amendment. Urge her to continue.
Reaching enough people to pressure politicians to support the Second Amendment is an expensive task, but I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth it.
So please consider giving at least $90 or $60 right away!
I understand for some that may still be too much to ask, but even $30 would go a long way in helping us in the fight for your Second Amendment rights.
Whatever you can afford, know that NAGR is a good steward of your contribution and that I am grateful for your commitment to preserving our liberties for future generations.
With our rights at stake, now is the time to take action!
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. The Nebraska 2022 Primary Election for your State Senate district, LD 20, is just around the corner on May 10th.
Democrat candidate John Frederickson refuses to return his NAGR Candidate Survey and go on record in support of your gun rights, while Republican Stu Dornan answered and refused to oppose gun control and restore gun rights.
But there is good news for Legislative District 20.
Republican candidate Julie Frederickson answered her Candidate Survey showing her support for Constitutional Carry and pledging to oppose the gun control status quo in Nebraska.
Please contact Julie Frederickson at (402) 676-2288 and thank her for taking a stand for the Second Amendment. Urge her to continue.
Also contact John Frederickson at (402) 659-3324 and insist he return his Candidate Survey and pledge to stand for your gun rights.
Also contact Stu Dornan at (402) 490-4853 and insist he change course and publicly pledge to stand for your gun rights and oppose Nebraska’s gun control status quo.
Paid for by the National Association for Gun Rights, a tax-exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)4 which does not endorse, support or oppose any candidate or public office holder. This communication is not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, or political party. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80539 PH 877-405-4570
Not produced at taxpayer expense.