Constitutional Carry

The Makings of a Good Constitutional Carry Bill

At NAGR, there are certain standards for what constitutes a clean Constitutional Carry bill. Constitutional Carry’s popularity in pro-gun states is undeniable, but conniving politicians will often peddle so-called Constitutional Carry or Permit-less Carry bills riddled with flaws.

There are 4 key features in a clean Constitutional Carry bill:


If a person is not prohibited from possessing a handgun, they should not be prohibited from carrying it. A clean Constitutional Carry bill should lift restrictions which prohibit a person who lawfully possesses a handgun from carrying.


If a citizen with a license is not prohibited from carrying in a state, neither are those who do not possess a license. Concerning restrictions on the places a person can carry, a solid Constitutional Carry bill should remove any inequalities between a license holder and someone who does not possess a license.


Citizens should not be in fear of ignorantly breaking the law. Clean Constitutional Carry bills should eliminate confusing language which might lead people to either (a) refrain from carrying because of legal uncertainty; or (b) accidentally carry unlawfully.


A government does not grant gun rights. Any Constitutional Carry bill worth its salt should recognize the freedom to keep and bear arms in self-defense as a God-given right, not a privilege bestowed by governments.