Steve Carra Introduces Second Amendment Protection Act

Jul 1, 2022

HB 6338 would protect Michiganders from unlawful federal gun control legislations

Lansing, MI — Today, Michigan State Representative Steve Carra (R-59) introduced the Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) in the Michigan House.

Modeled after similar pro-gun legislation introduced in other state legislatures, Rep. Carra’s SAPA bill creates criminal penalties and levies fines against government officials in Michigan who enforce federal gun control laws.

“Rep. Carra is standing up for law-abiding Michiganders when we need it most,” said Brenden Boudreau, Executive Director for Great Lakes Gun Rights. “As RINO’s in D.C. cut deals with the anti-gun Left to pass the largest gun control expansion in 30 years, this SAPA legislation will protect Michigan from federal overreach. It’s imperative the legislature pass this bill and send it to Governor Whitmer’s desk right away.”

SAPA legislation is based on the Constitutional “anti-commandeering doctrine” which states that the federal government may not simply “commandeer” the states’ legislative authority and make them enforce laws that are contrary to state law. The United States Supreme Court has upheld the anti-commandeering doctrine for hundreds of years in a broad array of cases such as Murphy v. NCAA and Printz v. United States.

“It’s clear that the Supreme Court agrees that the states are sovereign entities that have the absolute right to refuse to enforce federal laws that don’t align with state law. If passed into law, Michigan would take the reins back from the federal government and uphold the Second Amendment from federal infringements on our state rights. Gun owners in Michigan reject D.C. Swamp gun control and passing this SAPA bill is the key to preserving our rights.” concluded Boudreau.  

Great Lakes Gun Rights is urging pro-gun lawmakers to co-sponsor HB 6338 and lobby the Michigan House leadership to bring it to the House floor for an up-or-down vote.

Great Lakes Gun Rights is the fastest-growing no-compromise gun rights advocacy organization in the state of Michigan. Visit to learn more.
Phone: 616-219-0918

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